Visit our Housing page for more information about End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin’s specific work on this issue.

"...moving past immediate shelter as a solution, Housing First. We have to address housing, basic resources, logistical/economic factors and how they're impacting victims." -Wisconsin domestic violence advocate

Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness, and no survivor should ever be forced to stay with an abusive partner just to keep a roof over their head.

Poverty and power differences between people can make domestic violence worse. For people who experience things like poverty, lack of access to safe and affordable housing, and inequities based on gender, race, and sexual identity, the impact of domestic violence can be even worse. Abusive partners often sabotage survivors’ employment, take out loans in survivors’ names, ruin survivors’ credit, and otherwise control access to financial resources. This means that safe housing, secure employment, and other basic needs are out of reach for many survivors, keeping them trapped. When we come together as a community to address these risk factors, like ensuring that everyone has an affordable place to live, then people will be less likely to experience domestic violence in the first place.


A short video featuring various diverse groups of adults. White text in purple boxes throughout the video reads: “Poverty and lack of safe, affordable housing can make domestic violence worse. This is especially true for groups that have less power in society, such as people who are low-income or undocumented. When people have more control over their economic security, they have more power over their lives and more alternatives to unhealthy relationships. Let’s make sure EVERYONE can access safe and affordable housing.” Video ends with the dark gray, pink, and dark purple Every1KnowsSomeone logo.

Un breve video presentando varios grupos diversos de adultos. Mientras un texto blanco en recuadros púrpura a lo largo del video lee: “La pobreza y la falta de una vivienda segura y asequible puede empeorar la violencia doméstica. Esto es especialmente cierto para grupos que tienen menos poder en la sociedad, como las personas de bajos ingresos o sin documentos. Cuando las personas tienen más control de su seguridad económica, tienen más poder sobre sus vidas y otras alternativas en lugar de las relaciones no saludables. Aseguremos que TODOS puedan tener acceso a una vivienda segura y asequible.” El video termina con el logo Cada1Conoce1 en los colores gris oscuro, rosado y púrpura oscuro.

  • Studies show that up to 99% of domestic violence survivors experience financial abuse, and more than 70% of survivors identify “access to money” as a barrier to leaving an abuser. This means that many survivors are forced to stay with abusers for months, even years, before they can afford housing and other essentials. Supporting survivors means supporting economic justice and housing justice.
  • According to NNEDV’s latest Annual #DVCounts Report, in just one day, local domestic violence programs were unable to meet thousands of survivors’ requests for safe housing, because the resources simply aren’t there. Survivors and their children can’t wait for a safe place to stay. 

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