This web-based training series takes place Tuesdays & Thursdays and offers an overview and discussion of different aspects of family law – each training builds on the previous session, with topics such as:
- Options Under the Family Code – Understanding the Process
- Pleadings – Beginning the Process
- Considerations for Children
- Monetary Considerations
- Trials and Post-judgment
- Systems Change
Level: While some legal advocacy experience is helpful, the series is beneficial for all experience levels. Each training builds on the previous session.
Cost: This training is free for End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin Program Members and Programs Funded by the WI Department of Children & Families or DOJ Office of Crime Victim Services/$300 for all others.
Session Topics
Options Under the Family Code – Understanding the Process (May 14) Topics in this session include Divorce versus Legal Separation, Annulment, Paternity and Paternity Acknowledgment, Cultural Marriage versus Civil Marriage, Language Access, and Assisting a Pro se Client.
Pleadings – Beginning the Process (May 16) Topics include Summons and Petitions, Temporary Orders, Status Conferences, Hearings, and Judgment versus Order.
Considerations for Children (May 21) Topics include Mediation, Custody and Placement, GALs, and Act 37.
Monetary Considerations (May 23) Topics include Child Support, Support, Maintenance, Property Division, and Debt Allocation.
Trials and Post-judgment (May 28) Topics include Motions to Modify, Contempt, Relocation, and Appeals.
Systems Change (May 30) The concluding session will discuss opportunities for advocacy, understanding how systems are built and who the players are, how to engage in systems advocacy and co-construct the rules.