Vote NO on Marsy’s Law April 7

April 3, 2020 by Elise Buchbinder

On the April 7th ballot, there is a special referendum question on whether or not you would like to see a change in the state constitution relating to victims’ rights, otherwise known as Marsy's Law. As we endeavor to center the last survivor in our work, End Abuse has decided to oppose Marsy’s Law.

Updated Children & Youth Manual Now Available!

February 11, 2020 by Elise Buchbinder

End Abuse's Children & Youth Manual is a tool to increase the knowledge and skills for youth advocacy while building a relationship between advocates and their supervisor. During Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we're excited to release the second, updated version of the Manual, which includes resources to connect with End Abuse and continue education on various topics.

Introducing the Ending Abuse Podcast!

January 28, 2020 by Elise Buchbinder

In an effort to make the info advocates and allies need more accessible, we’ve created a podcast about our movement that can be listened to whenever works best for you. Check out Ending Abuse, a podcast from End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, where we examine the change necessary to end violence and center our understanding that all oppression is connected. Listen to our first episode, Coming Home, about safe & affordable housing for survivors in WI.

There’s No Place Like Home: a Housing Research Project Measuring the Effectiveness of Housing Services in Wisconsin for Survivors of Domestic Violence

January 10, 2020 by Elise Buchbinder

The need for safe, immediate, and affordable housing is a significant challenge for survivors of domestic violence and the service providers who work with them. This challenge can be seen across the nation, but surveys have shown it is especially acute in the state of Wisconsin. This newly released report asks critical questions, and provides insight into next steps for survivors in our state.