End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin’s core philosophy of a Coordinated Community Response to domestic violence is that domestic violence is a community issue that requires engagement from the entire community to address.

Since their inception in Wisconsin in the mid-1980s, Coordinated Community Response (CCR) teams have brought together key players in community systems, usually on a county-wide basis, to develop strategies and procedures aimed at strengthening our community’s and systems’ response to domestic violence and sexual assault.

Although many CCR teams begin their coordination efforts with the criminal process, this system represents only one piece of the larger community. Because the legal system is not a support all victims choose to engage, an effective CCR team will include members from schools, mental health and other healthcare agencies, neighborhood centers, faith communities, county extension agencies, culturally-specific organizations, and many other groups. CCR must go beyond the legal system to truly create a wide network of support for victims, which is especially important for communities of color, people with disabilities, older adults, and other survivors from marginalized communities.

Each CCR team creates its own specific goals, but most CCRs have goals around the following key areas:

  • Ensuring a victim-centered response to violence and equitable access to community resources
  • Holding offenders accountable
  • Ensuring all communities, including marginalized populations, affected by domestic violence have a voice and access to culturally appropriate responses
  • Promoting a collective position that domestic violence is a community problem, which means the community has a responsibility to help prevent it
CCR Toolkit

For additional access to resources and strategies for building, supporting, and sustaining your team, please check out our published CCR Toolkit!

Transformative: CCR Training & Resource Newsletter

For domestic violence and sexual assault multidisciplinary team members interested in connecting with the latest training opportunities, news, and best practices to strengthen our communities’ response to domestic violence, sexual violence, and other forms of oppression, sign up for our quarterly CCR Newsletter, Transformative.

Read the latest edition of Transformative: Fall 2023, Issue 9



Transformative CCR Bulletin Archives

Transformative: Fall 2023, Issue 9 | Transformative: Summer 2023, Issue 8 | Transformative: Winter 2023, Issue 7 | Transformative: Summer 2022, Issue 6Transformative – Spring 2022, Issue 5 | Transformative – Fall 2021, Issue 4 | Transformative – Summer 2021, Issue 3 | Transformative – Spring 2021, Issue 2 | Transformative – Fall 2020 – Volume 1, Issue 1

CCR Bulletin Archives

January 2019 | February 2019 | March 2019 | April 2019 | May 2019 | June 2019 | July 2019 | August 2019 | September 2019| October 2019 | November 2019 | December 2019

CCR Listserv

Are you seeking diverse perspectives on a particular question, resource, or best practice? Ask the CCR listerv! Stay connected with the knowledge and expertise of other CCR and multidisciplinary teams around the state through this email distribution list.

Other pages in this section

End Abuse provides a variety of educational opportunities to advocates, law enforcement, legislators, and community members to enable them to better serve survivors throughout WI.
Public Policy Advocacy
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin mobilizes advocates, survivors, and concerned individuals to make policy changes that will support survivors and help end domestic violence.
We envision promising prevention strategies that work with people and systems to challenge gender, race, and class stereotypes and oppressive norms while defining new ways to be a more positive, equitable, and just society.
Outreach to Underserved Communities
End Domestic Abuse WI has a long history of supporting underserved and under-represented communities - including communities of color, those in later life, the LQBTQI+ community, people with disabilities, children and youth, immigrants and refugees, and tribal communities - in...
Legal Services
Our legal team is a leader in educating advocates, attorneys, judges and others on the best responses to domestic abuse. In addition, we advocate for changes in laws and legal practices to improve the legal system for survivors.
Human Trafficking Awareness
End Abuse provides resources, training and technical assistance to programs serving domestic violence survivors, including survivors of human trafficking. Sex trafficking survivors face unique challenges to recovery and safety.
Engaging Youth
The children and youth program offers training, information, and resources for those working with youth. Also providing leadership opportunities for teens to develop skills they can use to educate their peers.
Economic Empowerment
Financial independence is key to domestic abuse survivors’ ability to live successful, violence-free lives. In partnership with local programs, we address economic needs and challenges so survivors can break free of violence.

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