End Abuse provides a variety of educational opportunities to advocates, law enforcement, legislators, and community members to enable them to better serve survivors throughout WI.

We host trainings and events related to preventing and ending domestic abuse, and work to keep advocates and allies informed of trends, resources, policies, and practices that have an impact on survivors, families, and communities affected by domestic abuse. We focus on training for staff of local domestic abuse and sexual assault organizations, creating environments in which local services providers learn from each other and from experts in related disciplines.

    • Click here to view a printable overview of our training programs
    • Upcoming trainings can be viewed on our Training & Events page.
    • Our Recorded Trainings page offers educational webinar recordings, categorized by topic.
    • Our Resources page provides a guide to additional informational publications.

Educational Journals & In-Depth Reports

Each year beginning in 2022, we release an educational report called Spotlight exploring pathways to ending violence. Find these reports below!
From 2009-2021, we released an educational journal called the Coalition Chronicles. Explore past editions below to learn more about a range of topics relevant to this work!
Spotlight (2022-present)

Spotlight is a publication begun in 2022 from End Abuse exploring pathways to ending violence.

Spotlight: Crisis Prevention, Intervention, and De-escalation

In this issue, we offer materials from our recent webinar series, Supporting Survivors at the Intersections: Trauma, Mental Health, and SUD. We include: polyvagal theory, conflict styles, crisis planning, and risk/crisis/de-escalation.

Spotlight: Housing

In this edition, we spotlight the crucial need for safe housing. Even with a housing crisis, uncertain politics and massive funding cuts, Wisconsin domestic abuse agencies continue to provide holistic advocacy. We know housing is social, transformative and economic justice. We have all inherited the housing crisis that we feel so acutely at its intersection with gender-based violence. We don’t have solutions or answers today, but we do have the passion and collective will to demand change.

Spotlight: Survivors’ Right to Vote Safely

In this short Spotlight we highlight information and resources to help survivors and advocates stay safer and make their votes count.

Spotlight: Disability Justice

In Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha reminds us that “[disability justice] means we are not left behind; we are beloved, kindred, needed.” With the onset of COVID-19, a mass disabling event which also saw a global domestic violence (DV) pandemic, there was a collective turning towards solutions and ideas already cultivated by the disability justice (DJ) community as folks sought creative ways of access, support, and care. For many, this highlighted not only the brilliance and beauty of DJ, but also the systemic marginalization of those living in sick and disabled bodyminds.

We hope this report provides clarity on concepts that may be new or only vaguely familiar to many in this field; connection to how critical DJ is to all working towards safety and dignity for survivors of DV; resources to go deeper and challenge assumptions; and guidance for putting DJ principles into motion.

Coalition Chronicles Educational Journal (2009-2021)

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Other pages in this section

Abuse in Later Life
Every person deserves to age with safety, dignity, respect, and care. In the summer of 2024, the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), an initiative of End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, created this webpage. It’s full of information and...
Public Policy Advocacy
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin mobilizes advocates, survivors, and concerned individuals to make policy changes that will support survivors and help end domestic violence.
We envision promising prevention strategies that work with people and systems to challenge gender, race, and class stereotypes and oppressive norms while defining new ways to be a more positive, equitable, and just society.
Outreach to Underserved Communities
End Domestic Abuse WI has a long history of supporting underserved and under-represented communities - including communities of color, those in later life, the LQBTQI+ community, people with disabilities, children and youth, immigrants and refugees, and tribal communities - in...
Legal Services
Our legal team is a leader in educating advocates, attorneys, judges and others on the best responses to domestic abuse. In addition, we advocate for changes in laws and legal practices to improve the legal system for survivors.
Human Trafficking Awareness
End Abuse provides resources, training and technical assistance to programs serving domestic violence survivors, including survivors of human trafficking. Sex trafficking survivors face unique challenges to recovery and safety.
Engaging Youth
The children and youth program offers training, information, and resources for those working with youth. Also providing leadership opportunities for teens to develop skills they can use to educate their peers.
Economic Empowerment
Financial independence is key to domestic abuse survivors’ ability to live successful, violence-free lives. In partnership with local programs, we address economic needs and challenges so survivors can break free of violence.
Coordinated Community Response
For CCR and other DV/SA-focused multidisciplinary teams seeking to improve their community's response to domestic violence, sexual violence, and other forms of oppression.

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