The children and youth program offers training, information, and resources for those working with youth. Also providing leadership opportunities for teens to develop skills they can use to educate their peers.
Children & Youth Advocate Manual
A tool to increase the knowledge and skills for youth advocacy while building a relationship between advocates and their supervisor. Includes resources to connect with End Abuse and continue education on each topic of the sections. Click on the title of the section you are interested in to access the newest version of the CYAM. Here is a link to exciting updates to the CYAM!
Here is the link to view the ENTIRE Children & Youth Advocate Manual as one document.
02. Childhood Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Safety Planning
04. Abuse Effects on Protective Caregiver’s Parenting
06. Adverse Childhood Experiences
07. Children & Youth Resilience
08. Parenting Skills & Child Behavior Management
09. Facilitating Conversations with Protective Caregivers
10. Facilitating 1-on-1 Conversations with Children and Youth
Selected Resources
Here is where you can find additional resources that are helpful to children and youth advocacy.
Coalition Youth Advocacy Services

Hello & Welcome to Youth & Family Advocates!
At the coalition I see it as my role to support advocates the best that I can. Please use this overview of services I typically offer member programs as a starting point to what I can assist with. Youth advocacy can get complex so I have yet to receive a silly or ridiculous question. Know you are not alone in this work.
How to Find Local Social Services
This infographic, How to Find Local Social Services, is meant to aid advocates to find the programs at their local social service, human service, or health & human service agencies.
Discovery Dating Curriculum
Provides a process for exploration of personal values, discernment of character traits of others, and practice of informed decision making. Discovery Dating has been used with full or partial implementation in myriad settings. Full implementation can be up to 14 weekly sessions; however, the lessons may be adjusted or combined to suit varying schedules.
For more information contact Wise Women Gathering Place at (920)490-0627